Kathleen Yonce is a real estate professional who has been able to
achieve a great deal of success in the industry. She has been working in
the field for 22 years, and she has displayed a natural talent for
management roles and leadership for various companies. She is the
current Chief Business Development Officer for Imperium Companies and
Infinitus Energy, and the Principal and Broker in Charge for KEY
Investment Advisors, LLC, which is a company she founded in 2011.
Yonce is known for her ability to manage others, businesses, and real
estate projects worth millions of dollars. Managing other professionals
and businesses isn’t something all people can do in a professional
setting, but when you have the right tools for the job, the experience
can be very rewarding financially. Here are some useful tips for
managers looking to get more control of their careers, and create
success within a professional atmosphere.
As a manager, one of the most important things you can do is gain the trust of your employees. Studies show that employees respond well in the work place when they know their superiors trust them. As an inexperienced manager, there is a tendency to hover over your employees’ shoulders rather than simply trusting them to take care of their responsibilities. Although this is understandable, it doesn’t bode well for productivity. Your employees are working with for a reason, and they wouldn’t be there if they couldn’t handle the work.
Always manage using compassion. For example, when you have a dedicated employee who almost never makes a mistake or misses a deadline, don’t get upset when they finally do make a mistake. It’s clear from their track record that they know how to do their job, so when a mistake is made, try to understand why the mistake was made in the first place so that it can be avoided in the future. Using compassion and being understanding will motivate your employees to work harder for you, and it will make you easier to approach as a superior.
A final tip is to understand the difference between skill level and will power. As a manager, you’d rather deal with a lapse in skill rather than a lapse in will because skills can be learned, sharpened, and developed, but a lapse in will is something else entirely. This is a mental issue that deals with a lack of motivation, and you need to figure out a specific solution to help your employee become motivated to work once again. The problem is that everyone is different, and everyone requires something different in order to get motivated.
Kathleen Yonce is a manager who has two decades of experience managing employees, businesses, and organizations. She always tries to manage with compassion, trust, and proper motivational techniques.

As a manager, one of the most important things you can do is gain the trust of your employees. Studies show that employees respond well in the work place when they know their superiors trust them. As an inexperienced manager, there is a tendency to hover over your employees’ shoulders rather than simply trusting them to take care of their responsibilities. Although this is understandable, it doesn’t bode well for productivity. Your employees are working with for a reason, and they wouldn’t be there if they couldn’t handle the work.
Always manage using compassion. For example, when you have a dedicated employee who almost never makes a mistake or misses a deadline, don’t get upset when they finally do make a mistake. It’s clear from their track record that they know how to do their job, so when a mistake is made, try to understand why the mistake was made in the first place so that it can be avoided in the future. Using compassion and being understanding will motivate your employees to work harder for you, and it will make you easier to approach as a superior.
A final tip is to understand the difference between skill level and will power. As a manager, you’d rather deal with a lapse in skill rather than a lapse in will because skills can be learned, sharpened, and developed, but a lapse in will is something else entirely. This is a mental issue that deals with a lack of motivation, and you need to figure out a specific solution to help your employee become motivated to work once again. The problem is that everyone is different, and everyone requires something different in order to get motivated.
Kathleen Yonce is a manager who has two decades of experience managing employees, businesses, and organizations. She always tries to manage with compassion, trust, and proper motivational techniques.