Kathleen Yonce is a real estate developer based in Boca Raton, Florida. Her career as a developer and a real estate broker has helped
her in her new job for the Imperium Companies to identify potential
projects in the communities across the Country. She has many years of
developing and brokering real estate properties in her community. Here’s
how you can be a real estate developer, too:

- Earn a real estate license. Kathleen Yonce began her career in real estate as a broker in Boca Raton. Different states have different educational requirements to take the real estate agent exam to get a real estate license. Usually, you have to possess at least a Bachelor’s degree. If you plan to run your own real estate development company, you should consider pursuing a degree in Finance or Business.
- Gain experience. Before you can expect to run your own real estate development company, you should gain experience buying, selling, and developing real estate in your local community. Every community and area of the United States is different in real estate. Kathleen Yonce developed her experience in real estate in the Boca Raton area before she moved into development.
- Set up your business with legal protection. Real estate can be a risky venture. To protect yourself, set up a corporation or limited liability company.